We live in high pressure, fast changing, disruptive times. People are impacted by all kinds of pressure both in their workplace and their personal lives. Often, it’s hard to separate the two. There is no formula guaranteeing a stress-free life. However, using stress-management tools and having a work life balance can help to maintain productivity, and minimise the negative impact of stress.
The role of an EA and PA is highly demanding and requires the right mix of experience, skills, flexibility, and personality. This course focuses on key skills which are fundamental to the EA/PA role – managing your manager, effective communication, problem solving, managing workflow, dealing with issues, understanding working styles, leadership, handling pressure and managing stress levels.
Emails have become the preferred choice for business communications. Are emails one of your big timewasters? Would you like to know strategies for streamlining your email correspondence, freeing you up to focus on other tasks? If you’re serious about writing emails that are reader-friendly, concise, and get the outcomes you’re looking for; then this is the course for you.
This comprehensive course is designed for management and staff who want to write business communications which are reader friendly and understood. Information overload and time-challenges have impacted on how people deal with all correspondence. Now they have no time to read everything, it’s just ‘scan & skim’. This is a major shift in how people deal with emails and other forms of written communication.
Every customer interaction with a business leaves an impression on the customer. Creating an outstanding customer experience is essential in today’s business environment. After all, in today’s global market the customer has many choices. This course introduces practical strategies and steps for sharpening professionalism and empowering frontline customer service staff to deliver exceptional customer service on the phone and face-to-face.
A manager’s role is a demanding one and in this fast paced, disruptive business environment, most managers and team leaders are time-challenged. Not only do you need to organise you own time, but you also need to accommodate the needs of your staff. Is so much of you day wasted by interruptions which are minor and don’t really require your expertise? Are you caught in the ‘Urgent’ trap with no time to plan and prepare?
Do you avoid dealing with difficult issues in a timely manner? Does the problem or issue often go into the too hard basket. Many people find it hard to have the tough conversations when they perceive the response could be confrontational. Our workplaces stress the importance of ‘getting along’ and ‘working as a team’ yet in reality it’s not that easy. This comprehensive course will provide you with step-by-step strategies for dealing with difficult situations confidently, whether they be at work or in your personal life.